Every social organisation which functioning is in a state of constant change. Likewise, a political organisation. The Party’s Constitution seeks nothing more than to reflect the Party’s organic whole. The Party is a dynamic equilibrium moving through time. In times of rapid change, such change will manifest itself in more frequent amendments to the Constitution. If this were not so, the organization would become fettered and hamstrung; or, otherwise, operate outside the ambit of its constitutional framework.
This edition of the Constitution sees a shift in the base organization of the Party to the Polling Division Agent. The position of Caretaker has been give official recognition and the planning and organizing by the Members of Parliament and Caretakers have been institutionalized, with the establishment of the National Committee. For the first time, also, the Party gives recognition to the creation of the Jamaica Freedom League.
The Prefaces of the previous editions of the Party’s Constitution are of historical interest and should be included in each reprint, as a matter of record. The opportunity has been taken in this edition to rearrange certain sections and to give more headings which, it is hoped, make for a more orderly presentation.
The 1992 and 1993 amendments to the Constitution reflect the effort of the Party to ensure uniform approaches to the organisation and operation of the Party in each Constituency.
In addition, specific methods of reporting on Party activities have now become a Constitutional obligation.
There are, also, requirements for registration of various Party personnel. These impose a responsibility on leadership at all levels, to carry out their duties in a specific and precise manner, and thereby improve the efficiency of the Party organization.
The Party rank and file have been given a greater say in decision-making specifically in relation to the selection of Candidates for the Party, where they have a direct and major influence.
The name of the Organization shall be “THE JAMAICA LABOUR PARTY”.
The aims and objectives of the Party shall be:-